Fantastic Planets, When Humans Become Alien’s Pets.
Fantastic Planet Summary : This animated tale follows the relationship between the small human-like Oms and their much larger blue-skinned oppressors, the Draags, who rule the planet of Ygam. While the Draags have long kept Oms as illiterate pets, this hierarchy shifts after an Om boy becomes educated, thanks to a young female Draag. This leads to an Om rebellion, which weakens the Draag’s control over their race. Will the Oms and the Draags find a way to coexist? Or will they destroy each other? Synopsis & My review : (Warning, might contain spoilers) Do you have pets at home? Do you love them dearly? What if they dug up the knowledge that humans know and choose to rebel against you? In this movie, you are the one who becomes a pet and plaything. On a planet called Ygam, humans become pets to a creature named Draag. They are so massive and have blue skin. Civilization on this planet is so advanced. On this planet, aside from Draag...